The Bijingo Timesheet App is a cloud based extension of Bijingo web app, which allows existing Bijingo users to record time against the assigned work from their mobile devices.
*Existing Bijingo users are those who already have account in bijingo as per their organisation.
Timesheet App Features
· Record time worked against assigned tasks
· Update Task Progress and Estimated Completion Date
· Add comments to tasks
· Manage and Submit Timesheets
There are different tabs in the Timesheet App
· Login Page
User can enter login details from the login page
· Weekly Timesheet
The Weekly Timesheet page displays daily totals and update details information for the selected weekly timesheet. The user can drill down into a selected day to open the Daily Task list page. The user can also submit their timesheet from this form.
· Daily Task List
The Daily Task list displays tasks which are assigned to the user on the selected day. From this form, the user can record the time they have worked against a tasks or drill down to the Task Detail Page. Users can control the level of detail displayed on this page by updating options on the Settings page.
· Task Detail Page
Task Detail Page displays detailed information about the tasks such as Status, Start and Finish date. The following actions can be performed from this page:
o Estimated Completion date of task can be updated from the view.
o Users can record time for the whole week from this view.
o Task Comments can be added by tapping on the bubble icon, which will open the text box.
· Timesheet List
Timesheet List displays the list of historical timesheets. Timesheet for a particular week can be opened by selecting the particular row.
· Settings
The Settings page allows a user to update some of the view preferences. . Password updates and app logout can also be performed from the Setting page.